If you have recently searched for a new place to call home, or are still searching, you are familiar with how competitive the market is at the moment. We have outlined some tips and tricks below on how to stand out when applying for Properties, especially in Glasgow.
1. It’s all in the details
When initially enquiring for a viewing, provide as much detail about yourself as you can. Sending a message of “I’d like to view” doesn’t show the landlord or agent who you are or why you would be a good tenant. Providing information about the number of occupants and intended duration of tenancy go a long way!
2. Why are you moving?
Outlining your reason for moving also helps demonstrate how serious you are. If your current landlord is selling the property or if you are relocating for work/school it will show the agent or landlord that you truly in need of a new home, rather than someone that just wants to be nosy and take a look at the property – we get this often! Other great reasons to list are if the number of occupants have changed and you need more/less space, or perhaps you are looking to move into a place of your own for the first time!
3. Affordability
The standard in Scotland is that you bring home 2.5-3 times the monthly rental amount, after tax. For example, a property that is listed at £500pcm you would need to bring home between £1250 and £1500. There are always exceptions to this, so if you don’t quite meet the threshold but have additional income, benefits, or savings – mention them to the agent/owner!
4. References
Offering that you can provide landlord references, if you have them, immediately displays that you are confident in your ability to pay rent and look after the property. Most applicants wouldn’t offer these if they have something they wish to hide or if they know the reference will be unfavourable. Employment references are also helpful for confirming that tenants are still in active employment, so offer to provide these as well if you are able.
5. Guarantors
If you have adverse credit history, are studying, or don’t quite meet the income requirements, you will most likely be asked to provide a guarantor. When choosing your guarantor, keep in mind that they will need to meet the income requirements and still be able to comfortably afford their own rent or mortgage payment. We recommend notifying your guarantor ahead of time that you are applying for properties, so they can have their documents ready and not delay the application process for you.
6. Honesty is the best policy
Being upfront and honest about your application is the best way forward. If you have something in your credit, rental, or banking history that you think may not look too good, tell the agent/owner at the start of your application and explain the situation. More often than not, not disclosing these things can actually look worse and most agents are at least willing to consider the situation if you are upfront about it.
Gallus is determined to provide excellent service to all tenants and landlords across the Central Belt of Scotland.