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Furnished or Unfurnished, Which is better?

Posted by Matthew Gunn on March 27, 2024
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Deciding whether to let a property furnished or unfurnished depends on various factors, including the property type, target tenant demographic, and personal preferences. Here’s a breakdown of the considerations for each option:

Fully Furnished:

  • Definition: A fully furnished property includes all essential furniture such as beds, sofas, tables, chairs, and wardrobes, along with white goods like fridges, freezers, and washing machines.
  • Attractions: Tenants are drawn to fully furnished properties because they can move in immediately without the hassle and expense of purchasing furniture. It offers convenience and saves time.
  • Downfalls: Landlords bear the responsibility for maintaining the furniture, including repairing or replacing items if they break. This can result in additional costs and effort.


  • Definition: An unfurnished property doesn’t include any furniture, although essential appliances like fridges and washing machines may still be provided.
  • Attractions: Unfurnished properties appeal to tenants who prefer the flexibility to decorate and furnish the space according to their tastes and needs. It allows them to be able personalise the property.
  • Benefits: Landlords are not responsible for maintaining any furniture, this reduces maintenance costs and any potential disputes over damages. Additionally, in Scotland, having an unfurnished property may qualify you for council tax exemptions or reductions during vacant periods.

Overall, there’s no definitive answer, as the choice between furnished and unfurnished depends on various factors, including the target tenant market, the property location, and individual landlord preferences. Student populations might prefer furnished accommodation for the convenience it offers, while families may lean towards unfurnished properties for the flexibility of having their own furniture. It’s essential for landlords to consider these factors carefully and make an informed decision based on their specific circumstances.


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