Having previously stating that all new private tenancies in Scotland would require an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of at least ‘E’ from 1st April 2020.
Landlords who fail to comply with the rules under Energy Efficient Scotland will face fines of up to £4,000.
Private rented sector properties in Scotland will need to achieve at least:
- EPC of E at change of tenancy from 1 – October 2020
- All rental properties must have an EPC rating of E by 31 March 2022
- EPC of D at change of tenancy from 1 April 2022
- All rental properties must have an EPC rating of D by 31 March 2025
In some situations it is proposed that there will be exemptions, including where:
- It is not technically feasible to carry out improvements
- Where other owners in a block of flats refuse consent to do work to common parts of the building
- Where tenants refuse consent for work
- Where permission to carry out work to a property which is listed or in a conservation area can’t be obtained
- Where the cost of improvements needed in the period 1 October 2020 to 31 March 2022 exceeds £5000, and where the cost of improvements needed in the period after 31 March 2022 exceeds £5000.
Local authorities will be responsible for enforcing the standard and granting exemptions. It is proposed that fines of up to £5000 can be levied on those owners who don’t comply with the minimum standard or provide false or misleading information on the exemptions register.
From now onwards Gallus Lettings will be closely monitoring all clients properties as well as future purchases to ensure that the minimum standards will be met well within the required timeframe as outlined by the Scottish Government. We would recommend at this stage that all future purchases have the ability to achieve a ‘D’ rating where possible.